It is All About Light

Winter Photography Show

Over 60 students displayed their first semester work in the Winter Photography Exhibition held in the Palmer Center the last weekend of January. Classes participating in the exhibition included four sections of Photography 1, the first year IB students, and the AP Studio 2-D Design students. Throughout the first semester, Photography 1 students have explored camera operation and techniques with an emphasis on learning how to control the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO for correct exposures. Time was also spent on studying the principles of design, learning how to post-process, and the mixing of traditional and digital media.

IB Visual Arts students exhibited artworks resulting from an investigation of Identity and Self-Portraiture. Students are required to explore different media and to experiment with new techniques, often combining media to create meaningful expression. As part of the IB curriculum, students write a rationale to further express their intent, their inspiration or influences, and to frame the development of the artwork. The students also exhibited pages from their Art Journal which document their creative process. The variety of work on display highlighted photography as well as painting and the creation of three-dimensional objects.

AP students work almost exclusively on developing their Range of Approaches/Breadth portfolio in the first months of their year. At the Winter Photography Exhibition, their work reflected their ability to use the principles of design and their camera to create well-composed photographs. For the next four months, the AP students will concentrate on their Sustained Investigations on one idea or concept in photography, pushing themselves both creatively and technically.

It was an impressive show, and students, faculty, and visitors came away with a new appreciation for the hard work and talents of TASIS photography students. The video below represents only 10% of the images and artwork displayed but represents the 2019 exhibition.

Here is a gallery of the photographs with the photographer’s name included.
(Click on each slide and use the arrow on the right to follow the story sequentially.)